Are Central Banks Afraid of Cryptocurrency?

Are Central Banks Afraid of Cryptocurrency?

When the Nigerian Central Bank issued warnings over Bitcoin last month, telling investors and speculators to stay away from crypto, it sparked a wave of regulatory restrictions on businesses and bank freezes. Many crypto-related accounts found that they were unable to access transactions, and even global crypto exchanges like Binance had to issue statements to…

Should cryptocurrency companies have a blog?

Should cryptocurrency companies have a blog?

One of the most common question from cryptocurrency companies is whether or not they should be considering a blog on their website. It might sound like a no-brainer for some, while for others, the idea of maintaining a blog with regular content doesn’t sound like a business priority. Neither are completely wrong, of course, but…

google search

What is DeFi and why is it so hot right now?

Decentralized Finance or, commonly referred to these days as “DeFi”, has to be one of the hottest words in the blockchain, crypto or even financial world these days. If ICO was the crypto catchphrase of 2017, “crypto winter” the 2018 moniker, IEO defined 2019, then 2020 will certainly be remembered for being the year of…