Are Central Banks Afraid of Cryptocurrency?

Are Central Banks Afraid of Cryptocurrency?

When the Nigerian Central Bank issued warnings over Bitcoin last month, telling investors and speculators to stay away from crypto, it sparked a wave of regulatory restrictions on businesses and bank freezes. Many crypto-related accounts found that they were unable to access transactions, and even global crypto exchanges like Binance had to issue statements to…

Who’s the Bank Now? Banks or Crypto?

Who’s the Bank Now? Banks or Crypto?

It’s a familiar trope in Bitcoin and crypto communities, with projects launching their own versions of independent blockchain-based money, the messages of “banking the unbankable” and “being your own bank” are preached from the crypto pulpits to would-be adopters in the congregation of online listeners. The first message was popular especially in the 2016 and…


Will Banks Become Extinct Due to Cryptocurrencies?

For many investors, one of the biggest draws for cryptocurrencies has the promise of disruption it will bring to the financial and banking industry. Bitcoin itself, recognized by most to be the first cryptocurrency, was born in one of the most defining moments for modern banking, during the global financial crisis of 2009 when several…